Clubs & Wraparound
Looking to change the culture of your clubs and childcare provision?
As part of our commitment to provide continuous opportunities to all children outside of education, SDH Academy provides your educational setting with a variety of different sports, wraparound, and childcare clubs perfect for everyone. From sports clubs for all children to join in at lunch time or after school, to high quality, Ofsted registered childcare and wraparound both before and afterschool, we offer an opportunity for every child and family to thrive through their school journey with us.
Below is a small in-site into some of our clubs on offer! Want to know more about a select service or have questions about how we can adapt it to your setting, children, or families? Get in contact with us to begin the journey to develop your clubs and wraparound.

Childcare & Wraparound
From September 2024 all children must have access to before and after school provisions between the hours of (7:45am – 6:00pm). It will be the school’s responsibility to ensure this provision is in place, and it can be offered internally or externally.
Currently, SDH Academy provides Ofsted registered childcare provision to a variety of schools where parents can access our provision and use childcare vouchers as payment. If you are looking to provide wraparound provision externally, why not contact us and see how we can support you and your parents.

The best bit, as a school there is no additional work for any of your members of staff to do, we do everything from admin to delivery, all contact with parents is done directly through us as business meaning it is hassle-free for you as a school, parents will be able to book their provision directly through our website where a member of our team will review their booking and contact parents directly.Get in touch if you think your school or setting could benefit from our delivery model for you childcare or wraparound.

Before & Afterschool Clubs
As part of our commitment to provide continuous opportunities for all children outside of education, we also provide activity clubs both before & after school. These clubs can be tailored to fit around you as a school, the children, or community needs via various activities or sports through consultation.
We currently offer schools a variety of models to suit everyone’s preferred method. Please see below the payment methods available

Lunch Clubs
Lunch clubs are a great way to provide additional opportunities for children to access safe physical activity during the school day, for many years SDH Academy has supported schools during their lunchtimes, in many instances coordinating their lunchtime structure. There are many models which can be implemented into your lunchtime provision which will be adapted to meet your school requirements.
A lunchtime delivery model designed around your school.
SDH Academy can coordinate your lunchtime provision, making the process hassle free for school staff.
More structured lunchtime provision often results in reduced behaviour related incidents.
Children can further develop their skills during lunchtime activities.
Due to the nature of clubs provided at lunchtime it can often result in increased numbers for before/after school clubs.
If you have Sport Leaders these can also be trained, coordinated and implemented for the lower key stages.
Paediatric first aid trained staff who can support with first aid incidents whilst out on the playground.
Contact Us

Childcare & Wraparound
From September 2024 all children must have access to before and after school provisions between the hours of (7:45am – 6:00pm). It will be the school’s responsibility to ensure this provision is in place, and it can be offered internally or externally.
Currently, SDH Academy provides Ofsted registered childcare provision to a variety of schools where parents can access our provision and use childcare vouchers as payment. If you are looking to provide wraparound provision externally, why not contact us and see how we can support you and your parents.

The best bit, as a school there is no additional work for any of your members of staff to do, we do everything from admin to delivery, all contact with parents is done directly through us as business meaning it is hassle-free for you as a school, parents will be able to book their provision directly through our website where a member of our team will review their booking and contact parents directly.
Get in touch if you think your school or setting could benefit from our delivery model for you childcare or wraparound.

Lunch Clubs
Lunch clubs are a great way to provide additional opportunities for children to access safe physical activity during the school day, for many years SDH Academy has supported schools during their lunchtimes, in many instances coordinating their lunchtime structure. There are many models which can be implemented into your lunchtime provision which will be adapted to meet your school requirements.
A lunchtime delivery model designed around your school.
SDH Academy can coordinate your lunchtime provision, making the process hassle free for school staff.
More structured lunchtime provision often results in reduced behaviour related incidents.
Children can further develop their skills during lunchtime activities.
Due to the nature of clubs provided at lunchtime it can often result in increased numbers for before/after school clubs.
If you have Sport Leaders these can also be trained, coordinated and implemented for the lower key stages.
Paediatric first aid trained staff who can support with first aid incidents whilst out on the playground.